MRA Grant Mechanisms

MRA supports both individual investigator and collaborative team projects focused on translational, innovative research that will impact the prevention, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of melanoma in the near and intermediate future. Since its founding, MRA has provided over $150 million for melanoma research.

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Young Investigator Awards

aim to attract early career scientists with novel ideas into melanoma research, thereby recruiting and supporting the next generation of melanoma researchers. Young Investigators are scientists within five years of their first academic faculty appointment. A mentorship commitment from a senior investigator is required.

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Pilot Awards

test potentially transformative ideas that do not have extensive preliminary data but articulate a clear hypothesis and translational goals. Resources for such “high-risk, high-reward” projects are important to establish proof-of-concept, which may then leverage additional funding through more traditional avenues.

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Team Science Awards

are the centerpiece of the MRA research funding portfolio. This program fulfills one of MRA’s primary goals: to foster a collaborative research process. Multidisciplinary teams consist of Principal Investigators with complementary expertise who may be from the same institution, inter-institutional, and/or international institutions. Team science projects promote transformational melanoma research advances with the potential for rapid clinical translation.

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Dermatology Career Development Awards

are designed to drive greater interest in the prevention, detection, diagnosis and early intervention of melanoma. This award supports early career scientists focused on dermatology, including but not limited to Junior Faculty, Clinical Instructors, Assistant Professors, and board eligible/certified Clinical Fellows.

Established Investigator Awards

support senior investigators with an established record of scientific productivity and accomplishment and who are past the initial five years of their first academic faculty appointment.

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Partnership Awards

are designed to facilitate interactions between sectors including industry and other nonprofit organizations.

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