Fundraise for MRA

Do you want to become a melanoma advocate but don’t know where to start? Think about launching an online fundraiser or hosting an event!

We’ve made it easier than ever to raise funds to advance melanoma research! Run a marathon, dedicate your birthday or wedding, or share your own story about melanoma with friends to make the pitch. There are countless ways to spur your friends, family, and community to come together to fight melanoma — explore some of the options with us here!

When you partner with us, 100% of all donations go directly to support MRA’s scientific program — without any admin, development, or other fees.

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Learn more about MRA:
Our Mission
“MRA has been instrumental in supporting my work and getting my lab off the ground. It was my first grant that I received as a young investigator. MRA support has allowed my lab to grow from a team of 2 to a team of 19 people, and we now have multiple projects looking at enhancing the immune response to melanoma.”
Stephanie Dougan

Stephanie Dougan

MRA-Funded Investigator