Honoring a loved one through tribute gifts is is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate MRA’s progress toward curing melanoma.
There are countless ways to spur your friends, family, and community to come together to fight melanoma — we are grateful for your support!
MRA's multiple annual events range from fundraisers to academic meetings to sessions designed to bring the latest research information to patients.
MRA Named Grant Awards allow an individual, group, or organization to support all or part of a future MRA research award in their name or in honor of a loved one.
Employer-sponsored programs can empower you to support your favorite charities through tax-deductible donations deducted directly from your paycheck.
By making a bequest to MRA – a gift in your will or living trust that costs you nothing in your lifetime – you can ensure future funding for melanoma research for years to come.
MRA greatly values the voice of Patient Advocates, and we invite you to join our efforts. Get started below, and please let us know how you might like to contribute (webinars, events, focus groups, editorial, etc.).
Become an AdvocateMRA is committed to partnering with like-minded businesses to promote melanoma awareness and generate critical funding for our research program.
MRA is pleased to have the support of a growing list of allies in the fight against melanoma to amplify our message, supplement our resources, and help to advance our mission.