
Patricia isn’t Afraid to Ask the Tough Questions & Her Husband May be Alive Today Because of It

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 1 August 2021 In Melanoma Stories

“Being a caregiver can be the hardest job,” says Patricia Janiak. “Your loved one might be the one going through this – but we’re the ones who have to put on our brave face while always being a step ahead.

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The Power of Combination Therapies: One Patient’s Road to Remission

28 February 2017 In Science, Treatment

Metastatic melanoma can be a devastating diagnosis to receive. Just hearing the word cancer for most is terrifying. While the fear is understandable, today new targeted therapies and immunotherapies are delivering new hope for many.

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Understanding Neoantigens: A Critical Target for Improving Immunotherapy

By Kristen Mueller, PhD | 20 January 2017

The approval of eleven new therapies for melanoma since 2011 has led to dramatic changes in how doctors treat melanoma and even more importantly, has led to better outcomes for many patients. Chief among the new therapies are those that target the immune system.

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Parallels between Disease States

30 November 2016 In Science

Six months ago I was offered the opportunity to serve as President & CEO of MRA and in July, I officially began. For the past 24 years, I’ve worked in the HIV field and am struck by the many parallels that exist between my past work and melanoma.

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