Category: Treatment

A New Treatment Approach in the Arsenal: Neoadjuvent Therapy

23 April 2021 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Science, Treatment

Surgery is the backbone of melanoma treatment and is curative for the vast majority of patients with localized melanoma. However, even if surgery successfully removes all detectible traces of tumor tissue, some patients will still experience a melanoma relapse. Can neoadjuvant therapy, an experimental approach, reduce the risk of recurrence?

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Against the Odds: Racing for Melanoma Research

19 April 2021 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, Treatment

Patrick O’Neill along with his four closest college friends and fellow Boat Racing, LLC members, find themselves in a very implausible position: first-time horse owners heading to the Kentucky Derby—horseracing’s pinnacle event.

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Dr. James Allison on the Path to More Effective Immunotherapies

24 March 2021 In Science, Treatment

When MRA co-founder and Board Chair Debra Black introduced James Allison of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center at MRA’s 2020 Scientific Retreat, she described him as the man “who changed the way cancer patients are treated forever.” This fitting introduction is due to Allison’s pioneering work to mainstream the...

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Personalized Vaccines for Melanoma – An Update

By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 2 February 2021 In Science, Treatment

Vaccines work by priming the immune system, thereby reducing the severity and duration of symptoms or lowering the risk of becoming infected at all. And while vaccines have changed the world for infectious disease, did you know they can also help combat cancers.

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Five Melanoma Research Highlights to Look Forward to in 2021

By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 13 January 2021 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Prevention, Science, Treatment

At MRA, every day we are focused on how melanoma research can be reimagined to accelerate progress similar to what has been accomplished in record time with COVID-19 research, and look forward to a future not only void of COVID-19; but where suffering and death due to melanoma are no more.

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Exciting End of Year Melanoma Clinical Trial Results

By Kristen Mueller, PhD | 11 December 2020 In Science, Treatment

The annual Society for the Immunotherapy for Cancer (SITC) meeting did not disappoint, despite its virtual format, when it came to new clinical advances for melanoma. Researchers presented data from several important clinical trials and highlighted several novel agents that may boost responses to checkpoint immunotherapy.

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Fueling a Revolution: Driving Research Forward

21 October 2020 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, News, Policy, Prevention, Science, Treatment

MRA is powering a revolution in melanoma research. A revolution that is not only benefiting patients with melanoma but also impacting the field of oncology at large.

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Advancing Acral Melanoma Research

5 October 2020 In Science, Treatment

Patients with acral melanoma, a rare subtype of the disease that develops in the nailbeds, palms, or soles of the feet are particularly underserved by today’s treatments.So, improving outcomes for all advanced melanoma patients will, in part, depend on developing new treatments for acral and other rare subtypes of melanoma like uveal and mucosal melanoma. Those treatments, in turn, will depend on more research on these subtypes that deepens our understanding of what causes them or enables them to flourish.

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Next-Generation Treatments for Melanomas

By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 21 September 2020 In Science, Treatment

Improvements in survival over the last decade for patients diagnosed with advanced melanoma is largely due to the development of ground-breaking novel treatments, such as the first BRAF inhibitor and checkpoint immunotherapy. Building on the success of these new treatment approaches, researchers are hard at work developing meaningful improvements through next-generation treatments that could improve patient outcomes.

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Integrative Medicine Answers the Question: ‘What Can I Do to Support My Treatment?’

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 24 August 2020 In Science, Treatment

When Dr. Gary Deng sits down with a new patient to discuss their goals and how integrative medicine can fit into their overall treatment plan, he likens his work to taking care of a plant. “With the right amount of water, sunshine, fertilizer, and soil – a plant will thrive. That’s what integrative medicine is looking to do, but with an entire person,” says Deng.

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