Category: Treatment

Resisting Resistance

14 June 2019 In Science, Treatment

For too many patients, the incredible responses they experience from targeted and immunotherapies don't last. Resistance is a real challenge. At the MRA 2019 Scientific Retreat, several researchers reported on research funded by MRA to identify new ways to combat drug resistance, including a number of strategies that are already being tested in the clinic.

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Fighting For Her Life with a Clinical trial

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 7 June 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

Colleen Wittoesch was a regular volunteer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. She came to the hospital every week to help out and spend time with patients and families in the melanoma clinic for going on seven years. Little did she know that in 2016 she too would walk through the clinic doors as a patient.

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Highlights from the 2019 Scientific Retreat

30 May 2019 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, Melanoma Stories, News, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Over the course of three days, MRA convened over 300 people from across the melanoma research community: patients, doctors, researchers, industry, and government. Participants discussed everything from new treatment approaches such as RNA-based vaccines, strategies to fight back against treatment resistance, and hurdles to testing neo-adjuvant therapies in melanoma.

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Clinical Trials to Watch: Turning Cold Tumors Hot

By Kristen Mueller, PhD | 15 May 2019 In Science, Treatment

We know that the billions of bacteria that live in our bodies can impact the way we respond to immunotherapy, but can we harness this help more patients respond these life-saving drugs?

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Melanoma Vaccines Show Promise

14 April 2019 In Science, Treatment

While immunotherapy has transformed way melanoma is treated, about half of patients still do not respond. Researchers are pursuing multiple strategies to understand why this happens and to develop strategies to jumpstart a response. One approach showing promise in early clinical trials, comes in the form of new personalized vaccines being developed by Ugur Sahin of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and BioNTech.

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What’s Next for the Microbiome in Melanoma?

By Kristen Mueller, PhD | 11 April 2019 In Science, Treatment

We know that the billions of bacteria that live in our bodies can impact the way we respond to immunotherapy, but can we harness this help more patients respond these life-saving drugs?

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Overcoming Targeted Therapy Resistance

By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 22 February 2019 In Science, Treatment

Targeted therapies work well for many patients, but most will go on to develop acquired resistance. Researchers are working to address this challenge. Learn about two promising examples.

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When Are Melanoma Patients Finished with Immunotherapy?

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 23 January 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

For melanoma patients, deciding when to discontinue treatment is a difficult decision. should the general ‘rule of thumb’ of treating patients with advanced disease until progression still apply? According to Dr. Jeffrey Weber and the data he presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress late last year, the answer is maybe not.

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Melanoma Treatment Advances – 2018 in Review

By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 18 January 2019 In Science, Treatment

2018 brought new and expanded drug approvals that give patients, doctors, and their families more treatment options with fewer side effects. Learn more about important melanoma treatment advances in 2018.

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MRA Advisor & Grantee Dr. Allison Awarded Nobel Prize for Transforming Cancer Care

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 28 November 2018 In News, Science, Treatment

MRA Scientific Advisory Panel Member & Grantee Dr. Allison Awarded Nobel Prize for his pioneering research to harness the power of the immune system to attack cancer. His work in immunotherapy, which began in the 1990’s, was audacious at the time. It helped to mainstream an entirely new class of tools in the arsenal against cancer; joining the likes of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

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