Category: News

More Time, More Research, More Hope: Double your Impact!

29 November 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, News

To share their gratitude for all those who are making a difference in melanoma research, our founders — Debra & Leon Black — are matching all gifts* to MRA up to $1 MILLION this holiday season. Donate Today!

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FDA Approves Opzulera for At-Home Therapy for Skin Repigmentation: What this Means for Melanoma Patients with Vitiligo

By Isabel Ryan, MRA Intern | 24 October 2022 In News, Science

On July 18th, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first topically-applied treatment for skin repigmentation for patients with vitiligo after strong results from two Phase 3 trials. Vitiligo, a chronic skin disease, affects 3 in 100 people who have melanoma, categorized as melanoma-associated vitiligo. The approval invites patients with vitiligo, including those with melanoma, to talk with their providers on how Opzelura can serve their skin needs.

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Fish & Melanoma: What’s the Connection?

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 4 October 2022 In News

A study led by researchers at Brown University surprisingly found that people who ate the most fish were the most likely to develop melanoma. Before you change your diet, read more about the study, its findings, and limitations.

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MRA's Latest Research Report: The Melanoma Research Community Reunites

11 August 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, Melanoma Stories, News, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Each year, MRA brings together hundreds of people from across the melanoma research community to exchange ideas, report on scientific progress, celebrate achievements, and mourn our collective losses.

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New Funding Alert: Department of Defense Melanoma Research Program

1 July 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Science

Research Funding Alert: The Department of Defense Melanoma Research Program will award up to $40 million in funding for melanoma research in FY22. Learn more about funding mechanisms, focus area, and deadlines!

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Leveraged Finance & Private Equity Communities Unite to Raise Record $3 Million for Melanoma Research

21 June 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, News, Prevention

On Thursday, June 16, 2022, more than 900 people from over 100 firms from the leveraged finance and private equity communities came together for the Leveraged Finance Fights Melanoma (LFFM) benefit and cocktail party. Hosted at the Museum of Modern Art, the event raised a record breaking $3 million for the Melanoma Research Alliance’s (MRA) mission to advance the world’s most innovative and promising melanoma research.

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MRA Announces $13 Million in Grants to Advance Melanoma Prevention, Detection & Treatment

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 19 May 2022 In News, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Coinciding with Melanoma Awareness Month, the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA), the largest non-profit funder of melanoma research, today announced funding for 27 research grants totaling $13,046,774 to support new research aimed at advancing melanoma prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

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The Melanoma Research Alliance Names Dr. Marc Hurlbert as Chief Executive Officer

11 May 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, News

The Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA), the largest non-profit funder of melanoma research, today announced that its Board of Directors appointed Marc Hurlbert, PhD, as its new Chief Executive Officer.

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A Message from the Melanoma Research Alliance

21 April 2022 In News

Michael Kaplan, MRA’s President & CEO, will retire on April 30, 2022. Kaplan, who has led the Melanoma Research Alliance since 2016, will be succeeded by Dr. Marc Hurlbert.

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Unlocking the Potential of Localized Treatments By Better Understanding Treatment Response

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 23 March 2022 In News, Science, Treatment

It’s easy to think of melanoma – or any cancer – in black and white terms. You have it or you don’t, it responds or it’s resistant to treatment, or it grows or it shrinks. However, like most things, the reality is far more complex.

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