Category: Melanoma Stories

Wiser & Stronger – Life after Metastatic Melanoma

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 20 July 2018 In Melanoma Stories, Treatment

For Derrick, it all started with headaches. For the first time in his life, this otherwise perfectly healthy father of two, knew something was wrong.

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Uveal ‘Clusters’ in Auburn, AL and Huntersville, NC

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 18 July 2018 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, News, Science, Treatment

When we talk about melanoma, it’s easy to forget that cutaneous – the most common variety that forms on the skin – isn’t the only game in town. Uveal represents about 5% of all melanomas diagnosed each year. So, when dozens of people from two towns in North Carolina and Alabama were diagnosed with the rare cancer alarm bells sounded.

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Self-Care is Non-Negotiable: “How Early Detection Saved My Life”

15 July 2018 In Melanoma Stories, Prevention

Jackie Labrecque’s life changed with a single phone call when her dermatologist called to tell her that the mole that she tried to ignore for months was melanoma.

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In Loving Memory of Rusty Cline

4 June 2018 In Melanoma Stories

Late last month we received word that Rusty Cline, an inspiring advocate and part of the MRA family, succumbed to melanoma after his diagnosis in 2006.

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Melanoma Leaves a Mark – but Not Always the One You Think

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 27 April 2018 In Melanoma Stories

Melanoma is no stranger to University of Delaware Senior Samantha Stinchcomb. In fact, this silent killer has been part of her life for the last 11 years – over half her life. She learned the hard way, at the sobering age of 13, that melanoma ‘isn’t just skin cancer’ when her father lost his three year battle with the disease. Since then, Samantha has been diligent about her own skin – and has had 16 precancerous moles removed. “It took my father, my best friend, from this earth and my life. In the almost 8 years since my dad’s been gone,” said Samantha. “I’ve also learned melanoma doesn’t plan on getting out of my life anytime soon.”

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Embrace Your Skin and Don't Be Anything that You Aren't

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 10 April 2018 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories

This freckled red head was never meant to be tan, but it didn’t stop her from trying. Stefani Schuetz just wanted that ‘perfect glow’ that she hoped would help her fit in after moving to Florida. She was training for a triathalon – a race requiring swimming, cycling, and running – with her sister when everything changed. Her sister thought she saw a bug on the back of her leg – but this bug turned out to be much worse. Instead of a bug, Stefani found a suspect mole that she’d never noticed before. She knew she had to get it checked out, but money was tight for this single Mom; it took her four months to make it to the dermatologist for a biopsy.

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Libby Kistler: “I’m Still Here”

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 26 March 2018 In Melanoma Stories

Statistically, Libby Kistler shouldn’t be here. She was diagnosed with Stage IIIB melanoma in 2005, before treatment for late-stage melanoma was transformed by immuno- and targeted therapies in 2011.

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Melanoma is Determined, So is Eric

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 20 February 2018 In Melanoma Stories

After 7 clinical trials, 8 surgeries, and more infusions than he can count --- Eric Martin is still here, seven years after being diagnosed with melanoma. He has had ups and downs and has tried practically every FDA-approved therapy for melanoma – but the crux of this story, which all readers need to understand, is that Eric’s fight isn’t yet finished. That’s because unlike many of the stories featured by MRA – Eric is still searching for his silver bullet and the elusive letters N.E.D. (no evidence of disease). He’s got big plans and melanoma isn’t going to get in the way. In short, Eric is a melanoma warrior.

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"I Thought I Knew Myself, but I Missed It."

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 7 February 2018 In Melanoma Stories, Prevention

Jim can’t say enough about his dermatologist who was able to detect his melanoma early enough so that more invasive treatment wasn’t necessary. “I see myself every day. I thought I knew myself, but I missed it. I see her twice a year, and those visits are quick, but she didn’t miss it. She was all over it.” The vigilance of his dermatologist may have saved Jim’s life.

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The Hidden Costs of Cancer

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 12 January 2018 In Melanoma Stories, Treatment

The National Cancer Institute estimates that between 33 and 80% of cancer survivors exhaust their savings to finance their medical expenses. Up to three percent of survivors file for bankruptcy, 260 times more frequently than similar households not affected by cancer. Not only is this financially devastating for families, this hardship was the strongest predictor of the quality of life for cancer survivors.

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