Category: Melanoma Stories

Stage 4 Melanoma, a Vaccine Clinical Trial, and the Power of Family & Faith

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 7 February 2020 In Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

“Clinical trials allow you to take advantage of the latest research and experiences from doctors and patients who’re blazing the trails. Clinical trials are also a way for you to help the next person who is going to have to go through this. If you have the opportunity to be part of something that helps others, why wouldn’t you at least try it?”

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Brown Skin Too: If You Have Skin, You Can Get Skin Cancer

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 6 December 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Prevention

While pervasive, the myth that people of color don’t need to worry about skin cancer, is entirely untrue. And while the rates of skin cancer among people of color are lower than rates for people with lighter skin, low risk doesn’t mean no risk.

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Bob Enrolls in Clinical Trial Testing NeoAdjuvant Therapy for Melanoma

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 2 November 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

After being diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma, Bob chose to enroll in a clinical trial at Georgetown University, comparing the effectiveness of treating melanoma with pembrolizumab before or after surgery, what doctors call neo-adjuvant and adjuvant therapy respectively.

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MRA is Raising the Treatment Bar

31 October 2019 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

We have made unprecedented progress that is transforming what it means to be diagnosed with melanoma. Today, we have more treatment options than ever before—in fact 12 new options have earned FDA approval since MRA's founding. But, it's still not enough.

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Take Control After a Melanoma Diagnosis

25 September 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Treatment

You are used to giving the marching orders to your own body, but when cancer steers it in the wrong direction, it can feel like you are no longer in control. Yet this is when it’s most important to take control, stressed melanoma physicians, patients, and advocates at the 2019...

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Living Life With Melanoma

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 13 September 2019 In Melanoma Stories

Ken Billett’s life-long journey with melanoma began in 1995 when he took a leap of faith and had a spot checked out on his shoulder at a health expo. He knew that he had had more than his fair share of sunburns growing up in Florida during the 60’s and...

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One Day at a Time: Dylan Overcomes Depression & Melanoma

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 12 August 2019 In Melanoma Stories

Melanoma taught Dylan to stay in the moment and to tackle things one day at a time. There were so many things that were outside of Dylan's control, so he decided to focus on the things that he could do something about.

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Acral Melanoma & Adjuvant Therapy – One Patient’s Decision

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 23 July 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Treatment

When David was diagnosed with Stage 3 acral melanoma he faced a major decision. The surgery to remove it was successful - but should he move forward with adjuvant therapy to reduce the risk of it returning? Learn more about the benefits - and risks - of this approach and read what David decided.

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What Comes Next? The New Normal After Melanoma

7 July 2019 In Melanoma Stories

Although many patients and their loved ones would like to put melanoma behind them, it tends to be a lifetime journey. From life- long prevention concerns, fear of recurrence, feelings of isolation, and survivor’s guilt - get insight into the ‘new normal’ after melanoma.

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Mohs Surgery for Melanoma In Situ – Where We Stand

10 June 2019 In Melanoma Stories, Science

While effective and time tested, Wide Local Excision can cause significant scarring and even loss of function when performed in delicate areas. For non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, an alternative ‘tissue-sparing’ procedure is frequently performed called Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Can Mohs Surgery be safely used in melanoma in situ?

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