Category: Melanoma Stories

Summer Kramer: Aligning Passion with Purpose

19 April 2021 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, Prevention

Frustrated with her inability to find stylish UPF protective clothing after her own melanoma diagnosis, Summer Kramer founded her own company called SUMMERSKIN. Now, eight years later, she has aligned her passion with purpose through a new partnership with the Melanoma Research Alliance.

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Mitch Diamond Honors His Grandfather’s Legacy By Raising Awareness of Melanoma

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 13 April 2021 In Melanoma Stories

Five years ago, when he was just 8-years old, Mitch Diamond lost his grandfather due to melanoma. Now, for his Bar Mitzvah, he’s asking his friends, family, and community to help him raise awareness of and help prevent melanoma.

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Craig Finds Meaning in His Melanoma Diagnosis in the COVID-19 Era

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 11 March 2021 In Melanoma Stories

“I believe there is a reason that I’m going through this. If I can help prevent someone else’s melanoma, or make their journey easier, or help advance research – that’d be worth it,” says Craig. “I feel honored to be part of the melanoma community. It’s a powerful community – and I feel obligated to do something in support of it.”

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Relentless in the Fight: Dr. F. Stephen Hodi

5 March 2021 In Melanoma Stories, Science

Every revolution needs trailblazers—people who restlessly and relentlessly search for paths forward. At MRA, we’re fortunate to partner with innovative trailblazers who are guiding the entire field of melanoma further, such as two time MRA-funded investigator Dr. F. Stephen Hodi.

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Denise Kellen is On a Mission to Advance Melanoma Prevention & Early Detection

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 23 February 2021 In Melanoma Stories

Growing up – from June until August – Denise Kellen and her family practically lived at Lido Beach on Long Island’s south shore. They’d swim, play on the surf, read, and sunbathe. Like clockwork she’d develop two to three severe sunburns that would leave her pale skin a fiery red before peeling away. If only Denise knew then what she knows now.

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Creating Art to Create Change: The Power to Heal & Mobilize Community

By Renee Orcione, MRA Digital Engagement & Communications Manager | 11 January 2021 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories

Following the initial shock of her diagnosis and the strain of facing treatments on her own, Barbara was faced with yet another hurdle. Her arm surgery had left it nearly immobile. Not only was this a problem for her daily functioning, it made it extremely difficult for Barbara to pursue her lifelong passion of art.

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Mary Jo Rogers: Research Will Get Us There

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 8 December 2020 In Melanoma Stories

With red hair and fair skin, Mary Jo Rogers has always known she was at high risk for melanoma, so she saw her dermatologist regularly. Despite knowing the risk, her 2011 diagnosis of Stage 3C melanoma still came as a big surprise.

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Gail: Stage 4 to NED (No Evidence of Disease) Through a Clinical Trial

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 10 November 2020 In Melanoma Stories

Gail was already on her way out the exam room door, following her annual physical, before she remembered to ask about a dry cough she’d had for about a week.  

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Amy Fights for Acral Melanoma to be Seen

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 28 October 2020 In Melanoma Stories

For patients diagnosed with acral melanoma today, Amy offers the following advice: “You aren’t alone. If you find a spot – any spot, really that looks different or concerns you – get it checked out. Advocate for a biopsy because doctors don’t always know what they are looking for when it comes to acral melanoma.”

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Fueling a Revolution: Driving Research Forward

21 October 2020 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, News, Policy, Prevention, Science, Treatment

MRA is powering a revolution in melanoma research. A revolution that is not only benefiting patients with melanoma but also impacting the field of oncology at large.

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