In addition to checking your own skin monthly, experts suggest that people at high risk of skin cancer – see below for examples of people at high risk – see a dermatologist at least annually for a full skin exam.
Who should get a full-body skin exam?
Anyone with…
a personal or family history of melanoma
fair skin, red or blonde hair and light eyes,
a history of sunburn/excessive UV radiation exposure,
many or unusual moles, or a
weakened immune system.
Note: Your dermatologist can help you assess your own individual risk factors to determine how often you should seek out a full-body skin exam.
Dermatologists are specially trained in the early detection of skin cancer, including melanoma. Many dermatologists will use a specialized device called a dermascope that combines a flashlight with a microscope to look at moles more closely. They may even take photos of moles to track them over time. If a dermatologist sees something suspicious, they will biopsy it for further evaluation.
Tips for your full-body skin exam:
Make your appointments early: It can take some time to be fit into a schedule. Make your regular appointments early! If you think you may have melanoma – make this clear to the person who is scheduling the appointment. They may be able to see you sooner.
Write questions down in advance, including the location of any moles that you have specific questions about: It’s easy to get overwhelmed or be swept up in the process. Write your questions down in advance so you don’t forget to ask.
Don’t be modest: Skin cancer can be anywhere, so don’t let a few uncomfortable minutes stand between you and early detection. If you don’t feel comfortable with your doctor – look for another one!